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Recent Publications:
- Hotokezaka, K., Piran, T., Paul, M., Short-lived 244Pu points to compact binary mergers as sites for heavy r-process nucleosynthesis, NatPh, 11, 1042 ,2015 (PDF)
- Yang, B.,..Piran, T..,et al., A possible macronova in the late afterglow of the long-short burst GRB 060614, NatCo, 6, 7323 ,2015 (PDF)
- Vasileiou, V., Granot, J., Piran, T., Amelino-Camelia, G., A Planck-scale limit on spacetime fuzziness and stochastic Lorentz invariance violation, NatPh, 11, 344 ,2015 (PDF)
- Nakar, E., Piran, T., Detectable radio flares following gravitational waves from mergers of binary neutron stars, Natur, 478, 82 ,2011 (PDF)
- Beniamini, P ; Piran, T., & Matsumoto, T. Swift J1644+ 57 as an off-axis Jet, MNRAS.524.1386B ,2023 (PDF)
- Piran, T ; Ofengeim, D ., Lorentz Invariance Violation Limits from GRB 221009A, arXiv230803031P ,2023 (PDF)
- Sfaradi, I ; Beniamini, P ; Horesh, A ; Piran, T ; Bright, J ; Rhodes, L ; Willians, D ; Fender, R., Leung, J., Murphy, T ; Green, D., An off-axis relativistic jet seen in the long lasting delayed radio flare of the TDE AT 2018hyz ,2023 (PDF)
- Skuratovsky, B ; Lyubarsky, Y ; Piran, T., The precursor structure in relativistic shocks, arXiv230716290S ,2023 (PDF)
- Matsumoto1, T., Piran, T., Generalized equipartition method from an arbitrary viewing angle, MNRAS.522.4565M ,2023 (PDF)
- Sarkar, C, K., Mondal, S., Sharma , P., Piran, T., Misaligned Jets from Sgr A* and the Origin of Fermi/eROSITA Bubbles, ApJ...951...36S ,2023 (PDF)
- Zenati, Y ; Krolik, J, H. ; Werneck, L, R. ; Murguia-Berthier, A ; Etienne, Z, B. ; Noble, S, C. ; Piran, T., Bound Debris Expulsion from Neutron Star Merger Remnants, arXiv230609464Z ,2023 (PDF)
- Ryu, T ; Krolik, J ; Piran, T ; Noble, S ; Avara, M., Shocks Power Tidal Disruption Events, arXiv230505333R, 2023 (PDF)
- Sobacchi, E ; Piran, T ; Comisso, L., Ultrafast Variability in AGN Jets: Intermittency and Lighthouse Effect, ApJ...946L..51S, 2023 (PDF)
- Ryu, T ; Krolik, J ; Piran, T., Extremely Relativistic Tidal Disruption Events, ApJ...946L..33R, 2023 (PDF)
- Pais M ; Piran T ; Lyubarsky Y ; Kiuchi K ; Shibata M., The Collimation of Relativistic Jets in Post–Neutron Star Binary Merger Simulations, ApJ...946L...9P, 2023 (PDF)
Pais, M ; Piran, T ; Nakar, E., The velocity distribution of outflows driven by choked jets in stellar
envelopes, MNRAS.519.1941P, 2023 (PDF) - Mor, R ; Livne, E ; Piran, T., Bare collapse, formation of neutron star binaries and fast optical transients, MNRAS.518..623M, 2023 (PDF)
Piran, T ; Jimenez, R., Black holes as “time capsules”: A cosmological graviton
background and the Hubble tension, AN....34430033P, 2023 (PDF)